Airtronic Circuits’


Quote System Software


How to produce a Quote in 60 seconds


If you are part of a small business which imports products to sell to your customers, then ask yourself these questions


Ø      How long does it really take for you to do a quote for your customer?

                              5 minutes …. 10 minutes …. 30 minutes …..

Ø      Do you really know what your profit margin is with all those varying costs?

Ø      Are all your freight bills correct?



Not only will you be able to produce a quote in 60 seconds BUT at the same time you will be keeping track of your profit margins and freight bills.  This is what you can do and more by using Airtronic Circuits’ Quote System Software.



This software has been specifically designed for small business to do what you want it to do.  All of the templates are customised for your exact needs – your letterhead, your details, even specific ordering forms for certain suppliers.


Based on Microsoft Office Excel ® and Word ® , the Quote System Software is very easy to use.  Simply type in 5 pieces of information about your customer and the product, click on three buttons and your quote is ready to print, fax or email.


Updating of the stored exchange rates and freight costs is also very easy using other screens in Excel ®.  Full step by step instructions are provided to assist you to do this. 




Airtronic Circuits Quote System Software enables you to:

·         Do very quick calculations of the selling price of a product (including freight calculations) for phone enquires

·         Automatically save the calculations as a formal quote by entering a customer’s name

·         Generate a fax or email to your customer at the click of one button

·         Generate and order from your supplier (by fax or email) from several quotes by clicking on a single button on the quote spreadsheet

·         Enter actual freight costs on a quote when the consignment arrives for comparison with the estimated freight of the initial quote

·         See your actual profit margins and note the affect of various freight costs and exchange rates on your profit margins

·         Check freight costs for gross errors (keep your freight companies honest)

·         Automatically generate a summary sheet to track your quotes, orders, costs and profit margins



To see a demonstration of this product please select Quote System Demo  under Small Business Software



Alternatively, contact Airtronic Circuits for a personalised on site demonstration and discussion of how the system will meet your needs.







Airtronic Circuits’ Quote System Software


Airtronic Circuits Quote System software is designed for very small to medium sized organisations that import product and on-sell it.  Each installation is individually customised to meet the needs of the organisation within the overall structure of the package.  There are two versions of the system, Quote System S and Quote System M.


Quote System S is designed for very small organisations, typically with one or two persons and possibly even only part time.  It has a single spreadsheet for each currency in which you normally provide quotes.  For example, if you only sell the imported goods in USA then you would only need one spread sheet. If, however, you sold the imported goods in Australia and New Zealand, you would need two separate spread sheets.  This system requires you to enter the suppliers name on each quote which will determine the exchange rate which must be accessed.


Quote System M is designed for the organisations that represent up to 10 overseas suppliers.  The system has one spreadsheet for each supplier which determines the appropriate exchange rates and delivery costs to be accessed.  Up to 4 different delivery services can be accommodated per spreadsheet. After the basic information of number of items, weight per item and cost per item (in the currency of the supplier) has been entered, clicking on a single button will calculate and display all freight costs.  By then clicking on the chosen freight option, its value is inserted into the calculation of the final sell price.  This, then, completes the calculation.  There is also a summary sheet for each supplier to allow easy tracking of quotes and orders relating to those suppliers’ products.



Some additional capabilities of the quote system are


·         Add up to 8 additional lines to the customer quote, each one being stored as a separate quote with related numbers

·         Add up to 8 additional lines to the order from 8 different quotes by clicking on a single button

·         Easily archive a selected number of entries on the summary sheet